ok heres mine not finished but getting there hope it helps people if they wana try i cut both ends off and kept all 3 cambers used a hack saw to take the end cap off/out let off and left the internal out let pipe as long as pos and cut the other end as well both ends were cut just on the main body side of the welds so with both ens off then cut/grind the hanger off
i chose my size as the width of a A3 sheet of papper witch also gives u straight end to scribe into the steel the edge off my cut was on the end cap side of a small box stamped into the can near the honda logo
also havent had to mess with the internal pipe work:YEAH except u got heat and bend the out let pipe down a little heated mine with BBQ coals and a air line:LOL
i bent it till there was 3mm gap between the 2 main pipes
a good find was the way the end cap is made it comes apart into 2:cheers place it over a off cut from the chromed can just i skin and hit it out there a drain hole as well that help with leverage
and u can take out whats left of the old out let pipe and re use it latter to give u a gas tight 3 cambered seal we all hope
the hole is off center and helps to line up when u re assemble it u place the this piece back over the internal out let pipe witch u bent a little with some hamering and adjusting and weld round the internal out let pipe as it was before u grond/cut it off then put the chromed S/S end cap over the top use a rubber hammer should if ur cuts where straight weld it up with stainless steel rods
started welding it back up today i gota clean up my weld with a grinder file and polish cos i s**k at welding i got lot of repect for thos who can:shruggs to be continude: